Match result

Semi Pro XVI, Nyttårsball
Team badge
Children of the Stars

gate: 28 000
0 TD score 1
cas score
Dark Elf logo
no custom badge

TD Scorers
Rosalvo Dreadbringer

Foulers (no cas)
Sent off
Badly Hurt'ers

profile Shub'Niggurath

Rosalvo Dreadbringer
fans / random event
Completions by
TTM Completions by
Interceptions by
Deflections by

profile Azathoth
MVP awards to
Mugal dead
Sustained Injuries
Miss Next Game
Nugul retired

victim regenerated
Niggling Injury

profile aka Levos Shadebringer dead
Result added January 2nd, 2021

Match notes
This days' match up started well for the elves. The nurgle team had only one pestigor left after their previous engagement, and they botched their caging in turn 3, first half. The Makhai would surely have gotten the ball if they weren't quite so afraid to get their hands dirty. One player after the other refused to block the guarding bloater.
We also saw another bloater do a successful dodge off the sidelines.
The rotter, Levos, was not as lucky, and could not escape the fate waiting in the audience, where he died for the second time. Not to rise again.
Nurgle would definitely have scored if it wasn't for a failed reroll on a gfi in turn 6, and another double skulls in round 7. Ending the first half 0-0. With 10 players on either side.
Second half was a lot slower. Except for a few desperate fouls, which saw another two rotters off the pitch. In the end, there was no stopping the dark elves from securing a win.

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