Army of Zombies

Race:  Necromantic Horror
Coach:  ?
Now where did Head Coach Red Skullz dig up these guys...rumors has it that this team actually consists of former players from various teams!

Anyways..Army of Zombies will be shamblin`around in NC Bravo for some time, mayhap someone will stumble into us, or if you want to come looking for us just listen after murmurs of "Braaaaaaainzzzz - braaaAAAaaainzzz"!

Meanwhile, check out Army of Zombies`s official theme song, "Feed My Frankenstein!

Army of Zombies<img border='0' title='retired' src='gfx/retiredteam.gif' align='absmiddle' style='margin-bottom:-1px'> team badge
Bulletin board from the coach


Tournaments played:
Season IV, Season VI
Trophies won:

AnBBL Champions
RookieOfTheYear XXI
Keffo Kup 18
Nellie's Golden Juggs
Oslo BBL Champion
League Administrators

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